The contractor of choice for the Lloyds Building, London

Reglazing of the intermediate band of glazing throughout the building
The glazing in this building is bespoke and cannot be easily replicated again. Working as the principal contractor for access and installation, the existing double and tripple glazed embossed units were removed and returned to our associated glass manufacturers.
- With no spare embossed glass replacements being available, around 3,600 units were carefully re-worked
- The glass units were cut and cleaned, and each panel re-made in a new configuration before being returned to site for reinstallation
- The building remained occupied and operational for the duration of the project
- Data and communications were moved internally on a daily basis to suit the programme

Steel cills and fire escapes
The complexties of the building and its unique features continue. Osprey removed 39 steel cill members from the fire escape lobbies on each floor.
- Works included scaffold design and procurement
- Ventilation duct removal and replacement
- The large glass panels were removed, cleaned and reinstalled within a new steel framework.

Firescreen replacement in tower link lobbies
The design of the Lloyds building incorporates 5 linking access towers extending from the lower ground floor to the 12th floor. Osprey have now replaced all of the firescreens in all 5 lobbies. The work included:
- Schueco Jansenn FS60 framework
- Fire rated double glazed units with solar control
- The building remained operational, with strict adherence to the building’s security protocols.