Queens Court; a complex project, re-cladding student accommodation buildings in Reading

Future-proofing your portfolio
Whilst the phenolic insulation and lack of cavity barriers meant this building was non-compliant, the existing ACM was classed as an A2 product and therefore did comply with the guidelines of limited combustibility. However, the client still chose to replace the existing A2 panels with an A1 solution to ensure it was future-proofed against ever-changing legislation.
- A fully designed and engineered A1 solution
- A2 ACM replaced with an A1 precoat panel; the panels had to be resized to allow for the constraints of the material
- New A1 mineral wool insulation and secondary support system was installed
- New cavity barriers to all openings, slab levels, compartment walls and service penetrations.

Accommodating solutions
Setting up sites can sometimes be logistically complicated. Accommodating existing tenants and those impacted by works requires the site management to be diplomatic and considerate. This site is very close to the Hexagon Theatre, the Broadfield shopping centre and the Penta Hotel, plus it sits on top of a large car park serving retail units and the town centre. Restricting noisy works and respecting the privacy of students all had to be considered.
- Site welfare was established in an area of the car park, with some units skated in because of the restricted access
- Privacy film was applied to residential windows
- Constant liaison with all the facilities managers in the surrounding areas ensured the smooth-running of the project.

Challenging access
Queens Court is undoubtedly one of the more complex access solutions that Osprey have managed.
The site was on two very distinct levels including shopping areas, car parks and a suspended courtyard which housed the main entrance for student accommodation. With so many different elements, the design and engineering was extensive, however the timings to erect and dismantle were limited. Bridging multiple car park entrances and back-propping throughout the basement required constant liaison with the managers of the shopping centre to avoid disruption at busy times.
- Complicated design and engineering
- High levels of interaction with the public
- Effective communication with facilities managers.